Aceleron was shortlisted as one of 10 amongst Cisco Systems, P&G HolyGrail 2.0, Unilever and other global companies for Edie’s Circular Economy Innovation of the Year award.
Aceleron - Highly Commended for Circular Economy Innovation of the Year award
Aceleron was shortlisted for Edie’s Circular Economy Innovation of the Year - the UK’s largest sustainability awards. The media outlet recognises achievements of green businesses, such as efficiency programmes, product innovations, social sustainability initiatives, change-makers.
On the nights of the awards Aceleron was standing amongst global companies like Cisco Systems, P&G HolyGrail 2.0, Unilever. All other 9 “competitors” for the award were well-deserving and we applaud them for their actions to promote sustainability within their organisations. Aceleron was not the overall category winner, however we proudly took home a Highly Commended certificate for our Battery Technology! Whoop!
Aceleron, the award-winning company specialising in sustainable battery technology, has joined forces with Amdaris, a leading software delivery specialist, to unlock the full potential of batteries through a synergy of hardware and software solutions.
Aceleron Energy, a pioneering provider of sustainable energy solutions, is proud to announce its success in securing funding under the Green Home Finance Accelerator programme as part of the UK Government’s Net Zero Innovation Portfolio.
Aceleron has been shortlisted for the 2023 Ashden Award for Integrated Energy Africa in recognition of their innovative work in sustainable battery solutions. The Ashden Awards are a globally recognised platform that acknowledges and supports impactful climate solutions from around the world.